Mu Week 2021 – MEDley

The Mu Sigma Phi, in celebration of Mu Week 2021 – Murals: embedded in Legacy, thriving with Glory, held MEDley: Endless Opportunities in Medicine last September 3, 2021.

Coming from different specialties, our speakers for this year’s MEDley were Brod Manolette R. Roque (BL), MD MΣФ 1995, Sis Regina B. Pascua-Berba, MD, μΣФ 1987, Brod Lionel Argete D. Peters, MD MΣФ 2015, and Sis Marian I. Alonzo, MD, μΣФ 2000. Our Brods and Sisses have shared interesting perspectives on the different career paths which can be pursued in medicine.

The event was held for aspiring physicians including the freshmen of UPCM Class 2026. The attendees were given a glimpse of some of the vast opportunities after medical school from ophthalmologist, an infectious diseases expert, a Doctor-to-the-Barrio, and an anthroposophic medicine specialist. Aside from hearing the insightful talks from our Brods and Sisses, the freshmen who attended the event were also given raffle prizes.

It was truly a successful night filled with inspiring stories from our Brods and Sisses. We would like to thank everyone who joined us in this virtual event in the banner of Mu Leadership.